The Genesis Center prides itself in offering a variety of services for individuals who are seeking substance abuse and mental health treatment. Services vary in type and level of intensity - depending on the individual’s needs. Services include but are not limited to:
Alternative Sentencing
Drug and Alcohol addiction takes people down a path they never would have imagined. An Alternative Sentencing option allows a person with a substance-abuse disorder facing time behind bars for a nonviolent crime, an alternative to jail time. This provides them an opportunity to break the vicious cycle of addiction and a chance at fresh start.
PHP: Partial Hospitalization Program
This portion of the multi-phase treatment structure requires the client to participate five days a week. PHP includes a comprehensive and dynamic array of methods and techniques to address Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) and Mental Health (MH) issues:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Motivational Interviewing
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Art and Experiential Based Interventions
Trauma Informed Practices while implementing a range of relevant AOD and MH curriculum.
AC: After Care
The last phase of recovery is our Aftercare Program. AC provides a strong support-network for that individual as they transition back into life. At this phase, clients are welcome to remain active with case management, individual counseling and any specialized groups offered.
LIT: Less Intensive Treatment
These groups are designed for individuals preparing to step down to After Care and transition back into the community. These sessions assist the clients with skill-building and practicing coping-skills while reintegrating back into their jobs and moving back with families or to another setting.
IOP: Intensive Outpatient
This level of service is similar to PHP, however, the frequency and intensity is decreased. This step-down process will assist the client by allowing them to focus on external goals, skill-building, identifying supports, linking to other resources and identifying ways to manage their time as they transition their level of care (LOC). The client is required to participate three days a week within this structured group program. The goal of the IOP is to assist clients in maintaining long-term sobriety and is a program designed for individuals with AOD or co-occurring disorders.
Peer Support
Peer support is a unique service provided by individuals who have experienced similar mental health and/or AOD issues. They offer insight and support to others in the program.
Case Management
While in treatment, many concerns about life still exist outside of treatment. Our Case Managers are here to assist in removing any obstacles on your path to recovery and aide you with certain needs during treatment.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Many people have had great success in their recovery with access to Vivitrol during treatment. It has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for those that have a need.
LIT: Lower Intensity Treatment
Drug and Alcohol addiction takes people down a path they never would have imagined. An Alternative Sentencing option allows a person with a substance-abuse disorder facing time behind bars for a nonviolent crime, an alternative to jail time. This provides them an opportunity to break the vicious cycle of addiction and a chance at fresh start.
Trauma Informed
Drug and Alcohol addiction takes people down a path they never would have imagined. An Alternative Sentencing option allows a person with a substance-abuse disorder facing time behind bars for a nonviolent crime, an alternative to jail time. This provides them an opportunity to break the vicious cycle of addiction and a chance at fresh start.
Art Therapy
Art and creativity therapies help to create wellness, positive brain changes and improve quality of life. This treatment is influential in helping you on your path to recovery.
Nutrition and Wellness
Food plays a big role in our mental health because a strong connection between both our mind and our digestion exists. Many symptoms can be helped with proper nutrition.
Individual Therapy
We offer a confidential and safe space to process your thoughts and emotions. This service allows clients to have personal and tailored conversation to help them work through their issues on their road to recovery.